Sunday, April 8, 2012

...Caballo Blanco...Let us not forget...

Caballo Blanco will never be forgotten...
Footage taken in Olympia, Washington by weiistone. No copyright infringement intended.

It's incredible to think that I sat in the back of this room only a couple of years ago and listened to this great human being talk about his lifestyle and the lifestyle of the tribe he lived amongst.

On March 31st, 2012 the infamous Caballo Blanco from Christopher Mcdougall's award winning novel, Born to Run was found dead on the terrain of New Mexico.

I think what's so startling about the discovery of 58 year old Micah True's dead body is that he is depicted as a sort of super hero in Born to Run. He's portrayed as a mysterious, ghostly figure who has managed to live amongst a hidden, fairly unknown tribe. He had overcome the way Americans have come to live by and instead found a deeper, solitary and ancestral type life that the Tarahumara live. This tribe of people had come to respect, not only, this man's uncanny ability to live among them but also his ability remain an elusive ghost to the public eye. That is until recently...

Christopher Mcdougall writes about his adventures of traveling down to the Copper Canyon's of Mexico, seeking out this man called Caballo Blanco. Upon finding him, Christopher's whole life changed, for the better. Micah True set an example as to how human being's are meant to live and showed that we can live like the Tarahumara tribe in their simplicity and their down-to-earth ways.

As you step outside for you're next run, take a moment to breath in the fresh air, feel the earth beneath your feet and just for a moment, remember Caballo Blanco's spirit.

For more information check out:

Barefoot Ted's Facebook Page

Or an interview taken with Scott Jurek:,8029,s6-238-511--14280-0,00.html

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