Monday, February 20, 2012

Enter the Zone, Stay in the Zone...

Enter the Zone, stay in the Zone, LOVE UR LIFE!

Here's some examples of meals that I have created or eaten that keep you in the elusive "zone".

This lifestyle may infact change your life...
This week has been relatively better as far as eating goes, and let me tell you, when I eat right, I feel good. Things seem to happen accordingly, I feel less emotional when something goes wrong and overall I feel more energetic, confident, positive and overall a sense of happiness and peace. Eating right does wonders!

Yesterday ESPN aired the Crossfit Open Games.
What is so cool about the sport of crossfit is not only that it has become a universal form of exercise but the crossfit world is close-knit, like that of the gymnastics world. As I watched it with a couple of crossfit friends, we were thrilled to see people we had met in person on the T.V. screen. It was like knowing we had met celebrities.
Unlike the sport of gymnastics, my time is not limited in the years of training I am given, I am potentially able to get there because I am still young enough...And likewise, I still have years to continue to improve and gain skills, increase my fitness and dietary habits.
Crossfit has done something for me which gymnastics could never do.
It's changed my entire life for the better.
I don't crave foods anymore. I feel much more healthy and energetic because of this lifestyle change. I rarely eat gluten. I have gone back to eating white meats yet I am 10 lbs lighter than I was a year ago and with out any real effort. I've learned to eat more protein, fat and less carbs. I feel better, stronger, leaner and more energetic. It's incredible! I've never felt this good in my life.
To see the results of training is something that keeps me coming in day after day. Not only physical changes, my muscle definition and lowered body fat, but also my ability to increase time in running, amount in pull ups and increased weight lifting.

I can easily run an 8 minute mile.
I can pull out 25 butterfly and/or kipping pull ups-5 dead hang.
I began my deadlift at a mere 65lbs-I am now deadlifting 155lbs-And I plan to keep increasing it everytime I do them!

As soon as I changed my diet habits I also noticed something else. I was flying through work outs faster than almost everyone, man or woman. I am one of the times that people strive to beat on a daily basis in the gym. This has fired my competitive spirit to keep training harder, faster, better and stronger. It motivates me on a daily basis. Most importantly, this sport has given me purpose. The same purpose I once felt as a gymnast. A purpose that religion, spouse or any other sport could never provide. Crossfit has become my reason to live and reason to keep striving.

It's funny how all of my posts end up veering in that direction.
I originally planned to blog about teaching my spin class today.
Infact that was the purpose of my blog title.

I have found that I am able to gain more confidence when teaching spin class if I prepare for it the same way I used to prepare for a gymnastics meet. Instead of psyching myself out, I am now psyching myself up using positive affirmations: My favorite two are, "stay in the present moment" and "stay in the zone." These two things calm me down when I start to feel the jittery sensation of nerves. Likewise, I've found that having light, humorous conversation with other people in the class prior to teaching has helped calm me down immensly. That was definitely another technique I had used as a gymnast. I remember doing that a lot with fellow teammate Kelcy Jay. When all else fails, I take a deep breath and go deep within my body, reminding myself that I am here for a reason that God has led me down this path and that this is exactly where I am meant to be.

I love my life! I love my job! And now know that this is the career path I hope to head down.
Time to head to crossfit and then to teach another spin class and a later crossfit class.

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